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Newsletter Week 6 Term 4
The heat has arrived! Summer has arrived early and this week we will see temperatures top 40 degrees. Please ensure that all students have a cool drink or a water bottle that they can refill throughout the day and their school hat. We will continue to monitor children throughout the day and make decisions about student and staff welfare as the situation and weather unfolds.
Secondary Exams
This week our Year 7, 8 and 9 students will sit their end-of-year exams in a range of subjects. Please encourage them to revise their classwork and to consult the guidelines for each of their examinations. There is an expectation that they will familiarise themselves with their schedule and be prepared with all the correct materials for each different test. Teachers will be busily marking these papers over coming days and the marks will contribute to their overall grade that they will receive on their semester report. Teachers have also gathered data on the ‘Engagement with Learning’ profile that is now part of the new reporting regime. These criteria flesh out and generate a profile of how each student approached, engaged and completed every class subject. This profile provides the parents and student with invaluable insight into the work habits and the level of effort and application in each subject. They identify very clearly areas where the students have excelled or areas that require focus and consideration in the new academic year. It is strongly recommended that you ask your child for a look at their exam papers when they are returned and to look over any assessment feedback that they have been given to provide a very comprehensive understanding of the different skills and understanding that they have demonstrated. If you have any questions arising from these tasks please contact Ms Marsay, Secondary Coordinator or the class teacher.
Primary Parent/Guardian Contact
Over the past weeks the Primary class teachers have made phone calls home to every parent/guardian of a child in their classroom. Many are still in the process of completing this contact so do not be distressed if you have not yet received your call. This has been an excellent way to provide honest and transparent feedback about the progress and development of each child. In a more accessible manner, the information has been provided on areas where the child has grown, with specific evidence of this growth, and also identified any specific areas for future focus and development and then, where to from here. This information is also then fed forward to the classroom teachers for 2020 so that there is a continuity of approaches.
Challenging Learning Parent Workshop
This Wednesday night we are privileged to have Mr George Telford of the Challenging Learning program to share his wisdom and knowledge about how best to support your student in their educational journey. George recognises that so many of our students learn in a vast number of ways and that students need the opportunities to think and talk about their learning and to push for a depth of understanding. Invitations were sent out last week inviting you to join us in the Library at 6pm on Wednesday 20 November for an informal session that will hopefully highlight different ways of thinking about learning and engaging the learner. Please see the Workshop information that is attached later in the newsletter. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
2020 IPad Information Session
Next Tuesday 26 November at 6pm in the Library the parents and students of Year 5 2020 are invited to an information session regarding the investment and use of Ipads in Stage 3. At this presentation we will explain the minimum specifications, expectations and use of the Ipad in the classroom. This is an important way to stay informed about the technology that will be used in the classroom. Current Stage 3 students will present some of their work and learning experiences to highlight the different ways they use the device in class.
Beyond Sacred Heart 2019
After a gruelling exam period last week our Year 10s are now undertaking a more practical approach to learning life skills for a life beyond Sacred Heart. Thank you to Mr Mahon and Mrs Gale for their enormous efforts in organising a range of different activities to equip our students with the skills to be successful in securing a job and managing themselves, their finances and their lifestyle. A raft of different presenters have generously given up their time to speak to the students and share invaluable advice about how to succeed. Yesterday Mr Chris Wells and Mr Oliver Quirk (both ex-students) spoke about their experiences and offered insights on how to make the best of opportunities. Mrs Cath Alderman and Mrs Leanne Parkman (Careers Officers at CHS and Hennessy) spoke about the experience of Stage 6 and the different opportunities on offer. Today the students visited Jak and Jill for styling advice for interviews and listened to Mr Matt Holt offer recommendations for managing their money. Additional time has been spent on preparing the necessary paperwork for any interview, like resume and CVs. It is a very important week on our calendar and our students, hopefully, will recognise the advantage that a program of this type gives them as they pursue a career or further education.
A huge thank you to Mrs Maxwell and her many helpers for the highly successful Annual Archdiocesan Touch Carnival. Nearly 50 teams from 8 different schools competed in a friendly and competitive day. Thank you to all the staff who managed teams or who refereed on the day, supported by many willing parents, ex-students and volunteers. Thank you to Ms Marsay who managed the canteen and kept everyone fed and hydrated. These types of events take an enormous amount of work and ours has always proven to be seamless and highly successful.
Last Thursday night many students made the most of the opportunity to spend some time dancing up a storm at the disco. This semester’s disco had the added bonus of being run by Ollie Quirk and his band ‘Sal and the Mandas’. Ollie and his friends were the DJs for the night and also provided a few sets of live music including some of their original songs. It is so amazing to see what wonderful things our students go on to explore, achieve and experience. Ollie and his band had provided workshops in the afternoon for our Stage 3 and 4 students about the experience of a band and making a career in the Music Industry. Ollie generously volunteered his time to share his expertise with our students as a way of acknowledging the opportunities that our school had given him to realise his talents and ambitions. We love to hear of our ex-students’ success because ‘once a Sacred Heart kid, always a Sacred Heart kid.”
Go gently and if you can be anything…be kind!
God Bless
Mrs Nicky Trinder
Stage 2 Parish MASS
On Saturday 30th November Stage 2 are holding our final Weekend Mass for the year at 6pm. All families are welcome to the mass. Stage 2 students who would like to lead the ministries please return their notes to their classroom teacher.
Year 5 Reflection Day
This Friday our year 5 students will celebrate their reflection day down at Dickson Hall. The YR 5s will gather together to prayer, discuss and participate in activities around the theme of Christian Leadership. Please keep our students in your prayers as they prepare for leadership in 2020.
Year 9 Leadership Day
This Thursday our Year 9 students will participate in their 2020 Leadership Day at Bimbadeen. The YR 9s will gather together to prayer, discuss and participate in activities around the theme of Christian Leadership: We are Called. Please keep our students in your prayers as they prepare for leadership in 2020.
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass
Friday Week 7 our Year 6 celebrate their finals days of primary school. All are welcome to join us at 12 noon for the Thanksgiving Mass.
Primary/Secondary Weekly Awards
Joseph Walker | Sonny Kane |
Seaton Wheeler | Atiyana Childs-Gould |
Max Winsor | |
1GH | 1G |
Charlotte Gay | Joshua Ismay |
Koby Bryant | Spencer Betts |
2N | 2W |
Ivy Clark | Lucy Coggan |
Angel Hall | |
3M | 3N |
Ashlee Peacey | Emily Dickinson |
Caleb Jones | Jay Lockett |
Zoe Beath | |
3W | Shirley Bear |
George Smith | Annie Griegg |
John McGuinness | Reading Awards |
Tegan Hutchinson | Mia Taylor, Lucas Walker, Emily Monaghan and Harry Blackman |
Secondary Bronze Awards | Secondary House Points Winner |
Year 10 - Isaac Tregear | Charly Thompson |
Year 8 - Emily Annetts, Victoria Clancy, Sam Sharman, Alexandria Oliver, Matilda Coggan, Madeleine Brown, Ryan Bourne, India Bodycott and Charly Thompson. |
Year 7 - Charlie Deep, Lucy Deep, Ned Murray and Oscar Roberts. |
3NGA Nursing Home Visit
On Wednesday 13th November, 3NGA with Mrs Fry and Mrs Murphy visited the Cootamundra Nursing Home. The students had prepared biscuits and cakes to share with the residents whilst connecting and chatting with them. This activity completed our learning on mental health, wellbeing and kindness. The students were wonderful representatives of our school and the residents were delighted to have them visit. Special thanks to Mrs Witenden for driving us to the nursing home on the bus.
Primary Sport – Weeks 6-9
Swimming for Primary Sport (Years 3-6) begins this Thursday, 21st November (Week 6). Students must bring their swimming gear (including a rash top), towel, hat, $2.50 entry (or fitness pass).
MacKillop AFL Trials 2020
Students currently in Year 4 and 5 have the opportunity next year to trial for the MacKillop AFL Team.
Trials are being held on Tuesday 18th February 2020, in Wollongong. Nominations for this event close Friday December 6th 2019. Students are to see Mrs Litchfield for nomination information. Parents are to nominate their child online via the website.
Secondary Touch Carnival
I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for Friday. It always amazes me that such a small school can bring joy to so many students. Everyone I spoke to from students to staff to parents from all schools had a great day. Our students played with sportsmanship and passion. Congratulations to our 7/8 Boys and 9/10 girls teams who won their divisions.
Primary Dates:
17/12 Years 2-9 Annual Swimming 12-3pm
Secondary Dates:
17/12 Years 2-9 Annual Swimming 12-3pm