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Welcome Back!
We have had a blistering start to the new school year. The weather has definitely made the opening few days of classes challenging as students and staff have had to adjust to returning to learning, new school shoes, different teachers and classes, as well as the stifling heat. We have also managed to fill the first days to the brim with events and activities. Yesterday we celebrated the beginning of the new school year with the Opening School Liturgy led by Fr Lolesio. We opted for a shorter celebration because of the heat but it was a lovely spirited and joyous liturgy to pray for a blessed school year. The 2025 School leaders were inducted into their new roles for the year and our new Kindergarten and Year 7 students were welcomed into the school community. Our new School Captains – Willow Hall and Joshua Lubke spoke eloquently and maturely about the new liturgical theme – Let your Light Shine – and offered a vision for the new year where our students shared their gifts. Included is a short extract from their opening speech:
The theme ‘Let Your Light Shine’ can be used not only in our time at Sacred Heart, but in our everyday lives. It begins with the call to make a choice to let the different gifts that we all have shine and show others how they can also use their gifts to encourage each other, achieve great things and develop into the best people that they can possibly be. We use lights so that we can see clearly what is important and what is of value. If we shine for others we have a responsibility to show them how to live and how to help others because we are made by God. We all have a light within us. We are called to be a role model and a beacon to show everyone the right way to live with kindness and compassion.
The challenge is how do we do this… as leaders we plan to help you feel included, valued and safe to let your gifts shine. Also, to understand that we are called to show the light to others so that they too can grow.
We also welcomed the new teachers to our school. We are privileged to have such wonderful new educators as part of our Sacred Heart family. Ms Katie Last, Miss Grace Sutherland, Miss Molly Baron, Mrs Heather Gammon and Mrs Sharron Large have joined our dedicated staff and are passionate about providing the best education and opportunities for the students in their care. Thank you to Mrs Maxwell for her efforts and passion in preparing the opening celebration.
To round out the first busy week we have held our Annual Swimming Carnival. The extreme heat forecast necessitated an abbreviated program but allow students to progress to the next level of representation and to enjoy the opportunity to be part of our annual event. All results will be published in the next newsletter. Thank you to Ms Withers, Ms Van Kerk Oerle and Mrs Simmons for all their hard work and preparation for the carnival.
Next Friday 4th February we will once again be hosting the All Schools Coota Beach Volleyball Carnival. Students from across the region will join Sacred Heart for a fabulous day of volleyball in a unique setting. Students from Stage 3 through to Year 10 are involved and it is a great day. If you are able to volunteer anytime to help with set up (Thursday 13th at 3.30pm) or umpiring on Friday please contact the school 69422612. We are also in need of donations for our food stalls. If you are able to donate cans of drink, water, eggs, or lollies (for lolly bags) we would gratefully receive them. They can be left at the Front Office before the close of business on Tuesday to allow us time to purchase any shortfall of supplies. Thank you to Mr Winsor, Ms Withers, Mrs Gammon, Ms Van Kerk Oerle, Ms Murray and Mrs Ward for their efforts in offering this exciting event to our students.
In the coming weeks we will host several different information sessions for parents of students in Infants, Primary and Secondary. The K-6 Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 18th February in the Infants Breakout Space. The Infants session will begin at 5.30 to be followed by the Primary presentation at 6.15. All families are invited to share a BBQ dinner at the conclusion of the presentations at 7pm. Please RSVP to the Front Office for catering purposes. Babysitting is available.
This week 2 fabulous Cootamundrians made a donation of school bags and resources to our school to give to families in our school. We are grateful for the generosity of people who want to support our school. In the name of the charity Maddy & Co the donations will be given to deserving children. Maddy & Co is a charity foundation that promotes a world were joy helps heal. The attached website gives more details for those who are interested. In coming months we will also be looking to contribute to the charity to help others. Stay tuned.
The refurbishment of the Primary Building is nearing completion. The carpet is down, the painting is done, the deck is complete. We are just waiting on the installation of the new exterior and interior doors and then hopefully we will be able to make the transition into the new learning spaces. Our Primary students have been very patient and resilient in the cramped conditions in the convent but the end is near.
Have a fabulous weekend. Stay cool. Pray for rain and take some time to relax, unwind and prepare for another big week.
God Bless
Ms Nicky Trinder
Sessions Venue: Sacred Heart School Library
Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Session 2: 13th February
Session 3: 20th February
Session 4: 27th February
Session 5: 7th March (Please note this session is missing from the enrolment form)
Session 6: 13th March
Twilight Retreat and First Reconciliation: 20th March 3.30pm–7pm (shared supper)
Sacrament of First Eucharist Celebration: Saturday 22nd March 2025 (6pm Mass)