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Welcome back to 2022 Newsletters!
We have made it to the end of Week 2 and despite all the additional challenges of the first couple of weeks; COVID cases, close contacts, black outs and no internet we have actually had a fabulous first couple of weeks.
Our new students have experienced a warm and friendly welcome and to all reports are already very important members of our school community. In the coming weeks the Primary classroom teacher or Secondary PCA will make contact (if they haven’t already) to check on your feedback and to answer any questions or discuss any issues. We are appreciative of the efforts of our students and staff to make all our newest community members feel welcome.
COVID continues to impact our classes but the numbers of cases have started to decline. We pray that this trend will continue and we can resume a relatively normal school program. Close contacts and children with COVID will be provided with work (if they are well enough) and can email teachers if they have any queries or would like additional work. Thank you to all the parents/guardians who have collected the latest instalments of the RAT Kits. Please continue to test Mondays and Wednesdays until further notice. We have distributed another 5 tests per students for the next two weeks and will advise if, and when, we have to persist with the testing routine. Don’t forget to contact the school if your child registers a positive test and also make sure you inform NSW Health. Remember, a day is a long time in a pandemic and things, expectations, protocols and procedures seem to change quick quickly. The most current advice is that if your child test positive they must undergo 7 days isolation. If they are symptom free after the 7 days they may return to school. There is no need to continue to test them for the next 28 days as there is the possibility that they may register a positive test despite being COVID free. Close contacts must test at the end of isolation and if they return a negative test they may return to school. Please continue to monitor for symptoms as the NSW Health considers it probable that they may still contract the virus. Also of importance is that for each new case in a household the close contact isolation DOES NOT reset unless they are positive.
Unfortunately, the number of COVID cases meant we needed to postpone our Opening School Liturgy/Prayer Service. We hope to be able to conduct it in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for further information but at this stage it will be two separate celebrations – Primary and Secondary – in the outdoor COLA area in Sutton st and limited to invited guests only.
At this stage our Swimming Carnival will continue as planned. We will reserve the final decisions about spectators until the last moment as we are hopeful of having more than one spectator able to enjoy the carnival. Ms Withers and Ms Van Kerk Oerle have spent an inordinate amount of time preparing for the smooth running of the carnival. Long distance events will be conducted this Monday and parents should consult the information that was sent out over the past days. We have also been given the opportunity to host the Western Region Swimming Carnival at the request of Lake Cargellico. Please keep an eye out for the request for parent helpers (mindful that COVID protocols apply).
As I sit here in the bus shelter handing out RAT kits to families I recognize that we are truly blessed to be navigating this COVID experience as a community. The positive attitude and willingness of people to be helpful and to follow procedures graciously is refreshing. Our students are amazingly resilient in their embracing of the constant changes and flux in their routines. Our newest and littlest kinder students are excited and not daunted by all that is happening around them with staff comings and going and are keen to learn and be together. Our new teachers are already an important part of our team and have much to offer our school.
As Bishop Desmond Tutu said… “Do your little bit of good where you are; It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”coup
Hi everyone,
Welcome back to a new school year. There will be many changes and things to learn with regard to the administration of Sport messages and notes for 2022. As we move to the new Compass system and navigate its complexities, we will endeavour to send out sports notes electronically. Specific questions can be answered and permission can be given electronically There may be some paper notes distributed when required but we are hoping to move to a paperless format.
Plans are in place for school and interschool Sport to go ahead.
For this to occur, there will be many COVID precautions required to be put in place to safely participate. It will be a case of 'watch this space' if the COVID situation changes.
The first event for the year will be the school Swimming Carnival on Friday 18th February, at the Cootamundra Town Pool. A note went home last week with all the details.
Please be mindful of the COVID restrictions.
Parents and spectators are welcome, however will need to follow the COVID safe guidelines as set out by the Catholic Education Office.
Spectators must:
- not attend the carnival if you have been unwell or had flu-like symptoms, been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19, or visited a known hotspot in the last 14 days
- sign in and out of the venue via the Service NSW QR code or sign the pool’s COVID register
- maintain a distance of 1.5m from other spectators at all times
- maintain safe hygiene practises including washing hands thoroughly and coughing/sneezing in to the sleeve of the elbow or a tissue, and avoid touching surfaces
- remain in the designated spectator area on the road side of the pool past the water park, unless using the amenities or canteen facilities (please provide your own shade)
- avoid overcrowding in amenities and canteen lines
- use hand sanitiser at regular intervals throughout the day
- masks MUST BE WORN indoors including the toilet and foyer areas, and at the canteen
Please note that students will be allowed to go to their parents throughout the day, however they are to do so individually and not with a group of other students. At all other times they are to remain in their COHORT areas on the creek side of the pool.
The COVID Marshall on the day may ask spectators to leave the carnival if these guidelines are not being adhered to effectively.
Link to program of events -
We are looking for parent assistance for timekeeping on the day. The time slots are 9-12 or 12-2:30. If you are able to assist, please email or Thank you in advance.
Representative and Pathways Sport
Representative and pathway sport information can be found in a number of locations.
- CSNSW Sport website - for most pathway nominations beyond school level.
- Canberra Goulburn Sport website, nomination page and calendar page
- CSNSW - Facebook page
- Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sport - Facebook page
The pathway for a Primary student in NSW to attend Australian National Championships is as follows:
- Attends School carnival to gain selection to the school representative team.
- Attends Regional carnival to gain selection to the Regional team.
- Attends Archdiocesan carnival or Selection Trial to gain selection to the Archdiocesan team.
- Attends MacKillop carnival to gain selection to MacKillop team.
- Attends NSW PSSA State Championships to gain selection to NSW State team.
- Attends the School Sport Australia Championship
The NSW State championship comprises 10 DoE Districts, the MacKillop team, the Polding team and Independent Schools Team (CIS).
The pathway for a Secondary student in NSW to attend Australian National Championships is as follows:
- Attends school carnival to gain selection into the school representative team.
- Attends Archdiocesan Carnival or selection trial to gain selection into Archdiocesan team or through individual entry/nomination on the
- Attends Combined Catholic Colleges Carnival /Trial to gain CCC selection.
- Attends NSW All Schools Carnival to gain NSW selection.
- Attends the School Sport Australia Championship
NSWCCC Sport Registrations 2022 for pathway sports, open on 1 February.
Registrations are via the portal, with the levy payment to be paid at the same time.
For instructions on how to register go to – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to email Sherree Bush at
See below for specific Primary and Secondary dates.
Primary Sport
Please note that Primary students (Years 3-6), will have sports Thursdays. Week 5 is set down for our Triathlon. A note will go home to families detailing further information. This term we will not be swimming any weeks other than our carnivals and triathlon.
C&G Sporting representatives
This program is an opportunity for our stage 3 students to trial and represent their sport at a higher level. It is up to parents to register for these events. If you have missed the closing date, please let us know and we will contact the organisers.
C&G Touch Trails
Congratulations to Jett Johnson and Sophie Sanazzaro for successfully making the touch team. We wish them all the best in the next round of trails.
Primary Sport Dates
Secondary Sport
A note went home on the first day, outlining the dates booked for likely PE and Sport sessions at the pool. As with the nature of schools, these dates may need to change. Students will be notified of these changes via their Compass timetable. Please read the note carefully and return the note to the front office as soon as possible. Students will be billed at the end of the swimming season with the total amount owing.
A note went home last week for any students seeking more information regarding the representative sport pathways on offer this year. This should have been returned by Thursday 10th February. There are more copies of the Expression of Interest note in the front office. Some nominations for sports are due very soon.
Secondary Sport Dates
For further information, see Ms Withers or go to:
- CSNSW Sport: website (
- CG Sport: Canberra Goulburn Sport nominations page (
- Sport @ SHC: Secondary Google Classroom (code - xcdqo3f)
For school teams to go away to gala days and competitions, students must return their note and money by the due date to be eligible to attend the excursion.
As always, if you are concerned about anything to do with PE or Sport, please arrange a meeting or get in contact with me so we can work out a solution. We want everyone to be involved in all aspects of school life, to the best of their ability and feel good about their experience.
I can be contacted at or on 02 69422612 during school hours.
Looking forward to an action packed year of sport!
Megan Withers
Secondary Sports Coordinator