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The weeks of this term are rushing past so quickly that 2021 is just around the corner. The harsh reality that 2020 has been will soon be just a memory as we surge ahead to 2021. Last week we appointed staff for the new teaching year and it is with great pleasure I can announce that Mrs Anita Chesworth, Ms Wendy Van Kerk Oerle, Mrs Susie Alexander, Mrs Kaitlin Niddrie (Hudson) and Mrs Kylie Murray will all be with us again next year. We also welcome Mr Ian Bell as the new Classroom Support Teacher and Pastoral /Wellbeing Coordinator to our wonderful school community. The new year promises to be very exciting as we move forward in some promising and wonderful ways. Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn has invested heavily in new teacher learning opportunities and programs to achieve their bold goals for the entire system that every students is a competent reader and that high impact teaching practice is visible in every classroom. These are indeed bold goals to realise the ambitions of every teacher across the archdiocese but we are hopeful that the Catalyst program will build capacity and exciting learning opportunities. Over the coming year the Catalyst program will be unpacked and every teacher will be provided with current evidence-based professional learning to best meet the needs of all our students.
A reminder to all parents that we are now in the important final period of testing and assessments for the academic school year. Our Year 10 students will be sitting their final examinations or assessments next week and we pray that they are clam and well-prepared for this challenging week. The following week out 7-9 students will sit their final exams and we encourage them to make time in the next two weeks to revise and prepare. Our primary students are also wrapping up their assessments in preparation for the end of the year and all teachers will be busy compiling semester reports. If your child is experiencing unnecessary anxiety because of this expectation please make contact with the class teacher or PCA so that they can continue to support our students to do their very best.
Considering the current climate it is unlikely that our traditional format for the Annual Awards presentation will be permitted to proceed. We are brainstorming different ideas and possibilities as we recognise the need to be COVID safe and comply with all protocols and policies but still mark and celebrate all the great achievements that were made this year. Please note that all activities will proceed in some form, in particular the Year 10 Graduation will still be held on 11 Decembers but we are waiting on advice from the S & C Club about numbers. Please be patient as we navigate this new process of conducting major events. Also, in line with the directives from CE it is recommended that parents provide the transport for their own child in any situation where travel is required. There continues to be no relaxing on the mandatory testing for anyone who presents with flu like symptoms, no matter how mild. We will insist on hand hygiene and increased cleaning in line with NSW Health recommendations and policy.
We are still accepting enrolments for any class across the school. If you know of anyone who may be interested but require more information then please get them to contact the school. We intend to host another Year 7 2021 transition day inviting Year 6 students from other schools. This is planned for 26 November to coincide with our 2021 leadership elections. Further information will be sent out to interested and prospective enrolments.
Today Mrs Colleen Flynn took the time to drop in a thank you letter to our Student Leadership on behalf of the student body for the generous donation of $477.75, the proceeds of our most recent uniform free day. She spoke very briefly with our school leaders about the enormous value of the donation to those in our own community with a cancer diagnosis. The money goes towards travel costs, accommodation and a range of other financial burdens that a diagnosis brings. It is very important to recognise the importance of donating to our local charities who are struggling to meet demands due to COVID and the increased financial pressure that people find themselves in. Our most recent uniform free day was donated to the local St Vincent’s Christmas funds to support their mission in our Cootamundra community.
Remember if you have to choose between being extraordinary or kind...Be extraordinarily kind!
Mrs Nicky Trinder
Several students from Sacred Heart entered the Australian Geography Competition this year. Unfortunately the whole competition was disrupted due to the pandemic, so we were very happy to still be able to run the competition and give our students the opportunity to test themselves against students from all around Australia with over 65,000 students entering. The competition aims to encourage student interest in geography and to reward student excellence. Geography is such an important subject because it develops in students a holistic understanding of the world around them and their place in it, never more important than in our current climate.
We have two students who have achieved to a very high level and many who have been acknowledged for “having a go” to test their skills and knowledge against other students across Australia.
Congratulations to the following students:
This week’s Cheat Sheets from Safe on Social are the Age recommendation Guidelines and the Law AND the Recommended Age Guide. We all may assume that it is illegal for kids to have certain social media accounts, except it‘s not. It is NOT illegal. Read the attached links so that you are informed around what the law says.
Kind Regards
Mrs Thompson
Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Year 4 2020 Reconciliation and First Eucharist candidates have begun their preparation for these two Sacraments. Please keep these students in your prayers.
We encourage all candidates and their families to attend weekend Masses during this time of preparation.
Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
The sessions for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will take place on Thursday afternoons, over a period of 5 weeks (4 lessons plus a twilight retreat including First Reconciliation), as indicated below. With the obvious time constraints, it is critical for your child to attend all the preparation sessions and the final Twilight Retreat, to adequately prepare our candidates for the reception of First Reconciliation which will be held at the Twilight Retreat and First Eucharist. If there is an unplanned inability to attend a session, please advise Fr Lolesio as soon as possible.
Venue: Sacred Heart School Library
Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Session 4: 5th November
Session 5: 12th November (Twilight Retreat)
On Friday 6th November Sacred Heart, led by the student leadership team, will be hold during part of the day a sporting challenge day and coin line as the school’s annual fundraiser for Catholic Missions Socktober. Students on this day can wear uniform free in the theme of their favourite teams sporting colours. We ask that the students bring as many coins as they can as their donation. The stage that raises the most amount of money will receive a prize.
Primary/Secondary Weekly Awards
Harper Wooderson | Nate Blackney |
Alexia Day | Ella Sannazzaro |
Ella Clark | |
1GH | 1C |
Annie Griegg | Charlotte Gay |
Casey Bonfield | Ava Smith |
2N | 2W |
Joshua de Belin | Harvey Fitzgerald |
Ruby Harris | Harry Winsor |
Lily Peacey | |
3M | 3N |
Henry Fry | Patrick Golden |
Emily Boxsell | Mackenzie Close |
Leila Ismay | |
3W | Secondary House Points winner |
Evan Lonnen | Charlie Deep |
Matilda Campbell | |
Reading Awards | |
Gordon Mackie, Zara Lawson, Tia Lawson, Ava Sannazzaro, Harry Blackman |
Primary NRL Gala Days
This Wednesday, 4th November we have over 20 Stage 3 students participating in the NRL Gala Day in Young.
Students are to be at the Keith Cullen Oval by 9:30am meeting Mrs Maxwell at the Sacred Heart tent. Students are to be dropped off at the oval and picked up by their own parent/caregiver and unfortunately there can be no spectators at the event.
Boys playing tackle rugby MUST wear a mouthguard and headgear on the field.
The Stage 2 NRL Gala Day is being held in Week 6, Wednesday 18th November. If your child wishes to participate and has not returned their permission note, please return ASAP. We are in need of a team manager for the S2 boys tackle team. Please contact Mrs Litchfield if you are able to assist on the day
Secondary Sport
Beginners Squash Competition
On Monday 9th November, the Cootamundra Squash Club will start their Junior Comp from 6pm each week. No experience is necessary as coaching will be provided if required.
No need to sign up. Just turn up and you will be entered into the comp.
When - Mondays 6pm from 9th November 2020
Where - Cootamundra Squash Courts - 32 Ursula St
Cost - $5 per night
Enquiries - Graeme Johnson 0457 780 081
Social/Beginners Lawn Bowls
Cootamundra Ex-services Bowls Club have extended an invitation to any young person interested in learning and playing Lawn Bowls, to ‘Come and Roll’.
They will provide the bowls and instruction for anyone interested. You will need to sign in at the front counter with an adult for COVID registration, before playing.
When - Ladies 10am Wednesday and Saturday
Mens 1pm Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
Where - Cootamundra Ex-Services Club - Crn Parker St and Wallendoon St
Cost - Nil for students
IMPORTANT - Ring Grumpy Fisher on 0416 061 049 to arrange a time to play in the social times listed above or for lessons and playing times outside these competition times.
Photos Lawn Bowls -
Paver Orders
Sacred Heart has a proud and long history in Cootamundra. Many, many students and families have a important connection to our school and we would like to offer you the opportunity to add your name to our playground spaces to recognise your association with our school. Please find attached a paver order form.