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We are nudging closer to the middle of the term already and once again we are in the throes of hot weather. The students are coping remarkably well with the heat and continue to remain hydrated and observe appropriate sun safe actions. Soon enough it will be cold and we will be lamenting that the heat was not all that bad. Hats are an essential part of our uniform all the time but especially now. Ms Marsay has issued a COMPASS notice about appropriate wear for the Uniform Free Day next week and this is especially important when we have extreme heat. Uniform free attire still needs to abide by school rules and our policies on safety which includes footwear, hats, hair/makeup and appropriate clothing. The Uniform Free Day funds will go to our own local Cancer Patient Assistance Society so don’t forget the $2 coin. We will also host our first Community Breakfast on the Tuesday 4 March which coincides with Shrove Tuesday so pancakes will be on the menu. Please join us from 8.15 on the COLA lawn.
Last Saturday our school community shared in the Vigil Mass with the presentation of the First Eucharist candidates and our 2025 School Leaders. We then shared a BBQ meal after Mass. It was so nice to see so many families at Mass and our Parish community were appreciative of their presence and respect for the Mass. Please consider joining our 6pm Mass on Saturday nights on a more regular basis. Next week we will celebrate the beginning of lent with the Ash Wednesday Mass at 10am . This is an important celebration in our liturgical calendar. All students will be attending. Also please keep Pope Francis in your prayers as he is gravely ill at this time. He has been a wonderful leader of our Church with his compassionate and faithful leadership.
The first school fee statement was sent out this week. We are very aware that the financial commitments of many families are very stressful and we appreciate those who have made the commitment to our fee program. It is also acknowledged that there are many legitimate families who may require a remission at this time and we ask them to make contact with the front office to receive the remission forms. This is a confidential process where the sensitive material contained within the forms is kept highly confidential and the determination is based on the directives from Canberra Goulburn Catholic Education. We do not want fees to be a reason that someone has to leave our school so please make an appointment to meet with me if you feel the need.
The Infants Literacy evening was a fabulously well attended event and was extremely well-received. The parents were very grateful for the insight into how to support their child’s reading and development and our talented K-2 staff did an excellent job at explaining processes and methods to support their child. Thank you to our K-2 staff for the initiative and for delivering such an informative presentation. Also a huge thank you to Declan Emery from year 10 and Beth and Romy Adams from Primary for their lead in supervising the many little people who patiently waited outside for their parents. They did an amazing job keeping all the children entertained, busy and happy until the presentation was over.
REMINDER: Don’t forget the NAPLAN testing period will begin on 12 March and will conclude on 24 March. We will send a schedule to the relevant students (Years 3,5,7 and 9) regarding the dates and times for their tests to help avoid any clashes with appointments and other commitments. Please try to avoid making any external appointments during this time.
SAVE THE DATE: The next venture by the P & F will be the Colour Run 14 March. The event will be held in the school playground starting at the COLA in Sutton St. It will be the same pricing as last year with $10 per person or $30 for a family of four. Food and drinks will be available for purchase as well and all money will be used to fund some furniture for the newly refurbished classrooms and breakout space in Primary.
The building work in Primary continues to make progress albeit very slowly. We are still waiting for the arrival of the doors and windows and then we will be almost complete. Patience is definitely a virtue while we wait to be allowed to occupy the lovely fresh classrooms.
On Monday out wonderful Primary Swimming team reclaimed the Western Region Swimming Champion trophy after 20 years. It was a great team effort and we have many students who will progress to the Archdiocese level next week. We wish them safe travel and the best of luck. They were very excited to pose for a photo with their ribbons and the trophy. Congratulations to all the team.
School Photo envelopes went home this week. Please drag them out of the bottom of bags so that you can get your order in before the day - 26 March. We would greatly appreciate that you avoid appointments on this day and that students continue to abide by the unform policy in all aspects.
Remember it does not cost anything to be kind and it is one of the greatest gifts that you can give.
God Bless
Ms Nicky Trinder

Session 5: 6th March
Session 6: 13th March
Twilight Retreat and First Reconciliation: 20th March 3.30pm–7.00pm (shared supper)
Sacrament of First Eucharist Celebration: Saturday 22 March 6 pm Mass.
Upcoming Faith Formation Events
First Eucharist and Reconciliation Sacramental Program Weeks 1-7
Burning Branches Liturgy 4th March 2:40pm
Ash Wednesday Mass 5th March 10am (Rice Day-Lunch Time)
Year 6 Reflection Day 12th March
Year 1 Reflection Day 13th March
First Eucharist and Reconciliation Sacramental Twilight Retreat 20th March
First Eucharist Sacramental Mass 22nd March
Passion of Our Lord Yr 9 Enactment (School) Thursday 10th April 10am
Passion of Our Lord Yr 9 Enactment (Parish) Friday 18th April 10am
Infants/Primary Awards | |
ES1B | ES1N |
Paxton Whitney | Amariah Carr |
Ally Bradley | Emma Tobin |
S1B | S1G |
Jacob Smith | Abigail Booth |
Evie Byrne | Fletcher Last |
S1M | S1W |
Adekai Whitechurch | Tucker Stapleton |
Nash Worner | Archie Wilde |
S2B | S2G |
Harry Friend | Sophie Becquet |
Angus Dickinson | Bentley Rogers |
S3D | S3G |
Aleena Haisell | Malachi Pulleine |
Annie Griegg | Clancey O'Toole |
S3M | Secondary House Points winner |
Malakai Petrovic | Alexlis Carr |
Olivia Summers | |
Term 1 Week 4
Primary Sport
Please note that Primary students (Years 3-6), will have sports Thursdays. Our term one calendar is very jam packed, please keep an eye on Compass and the school calendar for any sporting events.
Please monitor your COMPASS app for different events. It is important that you give your child permission and payment (if required), before the due date. This assists with the organisation of staff, transport, etc. Your child may miss out on an event if they do not have permission to attend.
Our primary triathlon will be held in week 5. A note has gone out on Compass detailing further information. This term we will not be swimming any weeks other than our carnivals and triathlon. The day is all about participation, please encourage students to participate to the best of their abilities.
Coota Soccer Gala Day
Thankyou to all our families and friends who came and helped out on Wednesday. Our students had so much fun during the very hot day. Teams showed great sportsmanship.
Well Done to our WR swimming team. We after 20 years brought back the trophy. The team should all be proud of their accomplishments. A special congratulations to;
- Zoe Lake overall age champion for 12yr Girls
- Connor Winsor overall age champion for Junior Boys.
- Ella Sannazzaro runner up age champion for Junior Girls
- William Manwaring runner up age chap for 11yr Boys.
We wish our team the best of luck in Boorowa, next Monday at the Canberra Goulburn Swimming Carnivals.

Our team includes;
C&G Sporting Representatives
This program is an opportunity for our stage 3 students to trial and represent their sport at a higher level. It is up to parents to register for these events. If you have missed the closing date, please let us know and we will contact the organisers. Please go to to register for any of these events. Please feel free to join the Canberra Goulburn Facebook page and access their calendar by this link.
Our SHC Athletics carnival is again set for early term 2, therefore we will start trialling and learning how to perform some of these events from week 6 this term. These will - include, High Jump, Discus, long distance running, Long Jump and Shot Put. The top students for High Jump and Discus will compete on the day. Students will be given the opportunity to practise and improve on these throughout the weeks.
Primary Sport Dates
If you have any photos from any event please email them through and we will put them in the newsletter next week.
If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact me via email
Kind regards
Wendy Van Kerk Oerle
Primary sports coordinator
Secondary Sport
Representative Sports
Many representative sports are coming up this term. All notifications and registration processes can be found on the Secondary Sports Google Classroom page.
Congratulations To:
U15s CG Touch - Jett Johnson, Zane Lange, Sophie Sannazzzaro, and Sophie Boxsell for making the team for the next round of selections.
Thank You To:
Secondary students who volunteered to referee and manage teams for the Primary Soccer Gala Day on Wednesday 26th February.
Oliver Dempsey, Caleb Barton, Noah Carr, Ryan Dempsey, Billy Fallon, Joshua Ismay, Connor Loiterton, Samuel Savanah, Eamon Sutherland, Lucas Walker, Sophie Sannazzaro, Harry Simons, Chase Callen, Henry Fry, Zoe Parsons, Darcey Sheppard
Good Luck To:
- Students who advanced to the CG Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 4th March
- Students trialling for the Opens CG Soccer team on Friday 7th March
House Triathlon
The House Colour Triathlon is on Friday 7th March. Please see the event notification on Compass for more information. Spectators and helpers are welcome.
Secondary Sports Dates
Term 1 2025
Tue Mar 4th - CECG Swimming, Canberra
Fri Mar 7th - CECG U18s Boys and Girls Soccer Trials, Canberra
Fri Mar 7th - SHC Secondary Triathlon
Tue 11th Mar - Western U16s Girls Rugby League Trials, Canberra
Tue 25th Mar - CECG Netball Champs and U15s Trials, Canberra
Wed Mar 26th - Western Rugby League U15s and U18s Boys Trials, Redbend Forbes
Tue Apr 1st - CECG and Wagga Wagga U18s Touch Trials, Wagga Wagga
Wed-Thu Apr 2nd-3rd - NSWCCC Swimming, Homebush
Fri Apr 4th - CECG Tennis Team Championships, Goulburn
Fri Apr 4th - SHC Cross Country
Wed Apr 9th - Southern Country Opens Boys and Girls Soccer Trials, Bathurst
Thu Apr 10th - Southern Country U18s Girls Rugby League Trials, Canberra
Kind regards,
Megan Withers
Secondary Sports Coordinator